WooCommerce Integration
Show case your product with panorama for more interactive experience
Panorama Mini Map
Easy navigate your map with mini map, can be useful for Architecture or Road
Elementor & WPBakery
Use Panorama everywhere. Elementor, WP Bakery, Shortcode and Widget
Panorama Showcase
Check how panorama can be used in real life

Visual editor for panorama & mini-map
User Friendly Backend Editor
We provide easiest way to use backend editor. Forget guessing what you get on frontend, because you can edit your panorama visually. We quite confidence that you going to like our backend editor.
General Feature Demo
While other plugin limit you on how deep your tour can be, we use different approach to handle tour approach to handle tour.
Auto Rotate Panorama
Panorama can be automatically auto rotating when loaded. It will give your user immense experience during navigating your website.
Fullscreen Panorama
Allow your user to view panorama on fullscreen. If user use mobile device, we have a feature for device orientation navigation.
3 Toolbar Scheme
We provide 3 Scheme for your panorama. Top Toolbar, Bottom Toolbar, and default Toolbar. Choose which one the best for your need.
Zoom Panorama Control
Provide a high-resolution image for your panorama. With Zoom feature, the viewer can see the detail all views on your panorama.
Compass Panorama
We also provide Compass feature on panorama as direction guidance. It will be easier for your viewer to determine which direction on your panorama.
Hotspot Demo
Add hotspot flag on your panorama, compatible with WooCommerce
Text Tooltips
WooCommerce Tooltips
Earn more with monetizing your panorama and increase your revenue. You can easily embed a WooCommerce product to the hotspot.
Gallery Popup
You can also describe your hostpot with gallery. Show the best image and most relevant gallery using this feature.
Video Popup
Need more visualization? Sure, we have Video popup feature. Show your YouTube, Vimeo or Hosted video on the hotspot.
Custom Link
You can direct the viewer into a certain page or external link. You can achieve this by putting a custom link to the hotspot.
Block Post Tooltips
More informative with showing a block post, article, and stories or a piece of news to the hotspot. Use block post tooltips for this situation.
5 Tooltip Locations
6 Tooltip Color Scheme
Leave boring black and white square tooltip. We already provide 6 predefined beautiful tooltip color scheme that ready to use.
Hotspot Shape
No worry, if Icon and Badge are not enough for the hotspot shape, you can upload your Custom Image as hotspot shape.
Panorama Tour
Add panorama tour on your panorama.
Tour with Minimap
Tour without Minimap
Don’t have a Minimap?
Don’t worry, we also have tour and hotspot list panel feature. It will list all tours and hotspots on the current panorama.